
Michael provided his technical expertise and experience on a voluntary basis, assisting Seafish in the development of occupational standards, training programmes and qualifications. Michael’s contribution to the Training Advisory Group was significant and unstinting, he continues to work with Seafish to support training initiatives in Scotland and is a member of the Scottish Seafood Training Network.

I have found Michael to be at all times highly professional, diligent, perceptive and industrious and I would have no hesitation in working with him on any enterprise in which his diverse skills, knowledge and experience could be applied. Michaels willingness to work closely with others and his calmness under pressure make him an ideal person to participate in or lead a group of technical experts.

Lee Cooper

National Learning and Standards Manager

I have had the pleasure of working with Michael on 2 occasions. Firstly with Young’s Fraserburgh site and more recently Michael joined me as Interim Site Technical Manager whilst at Edinburgh Salmon Co Ltd Thai Union.

Michael helped galvanise the relatively young and inexperienced Technical team who were crying out for Leadership and development. Not only did Michael provide both, he did this whilst improving all aspects of our Technical function which culminated in the site achieving a BRC AA+ result with only 1(one) minor NC. An amazing result in only 18 months. Michael is also a highly qualified and exceptional trainer in Food Safety and HACCP.

I would welcome any opportunity to work with Michael again and would recommend him for any Technical role.

George Taylor


I’ve worked with Michael on both a training basis and as a consultant in our Technical Dept. Over the years, Michael trained our operatives and management on food hygiene & HACCP. His method and approach were relatable to all the levels raising our standards through out.

As a consultant, Michael has also been involved with training, and auditing directly within our Technical Dept. He brought great experience and knowledge of seafood and food safety and was very much a team player.

Valerie Ritchie

National Learning and Standards Manager

Michael is a pleasure to deal with when it comes to contract/Interim recruitment. He was originally placed on a 3 month contract, which has already been extended. The feedback has been very positive from the employer on the work he has done and how well he has fit into the team. I am confident that Michael would be able to impact any food manufacturer or processing business in a positive way, in either a technical management function OR senior site/operations manager type position.

Luke McDonnell

HR Manager at Whitelink Seafoods

Michael came to work in my team as an Interim Quality Assurance Manager. Task driven, Michael met all objectives set and to expectation. I would happily recommend Michael, he is knowledgeable, approachable, with a great work ethic and attention to detail.

Catherine Swinburne

HHead of Technical & Development at Genius Foods

Michael gets on very well with everyone and easily becomes part of the team. Michael during his interim work helped develop QMS systems, procedures to comply with BRC V7 standard. I am glad to say that Michael contributed good part in achieving BRC A+ Grade during our recent unannounced audit.

Manideep Sandupatla

CSR & Technical Director, MSc Food biotechnology & Microbiology

I knew Michael primarily as Technical manager at Young’s although he became MD for the operation in Fraserburgh. Michael was always diligent with great attention to detail. It was great having him as a member of the team.

Stephen Parry. (Advisor and non exec Board member)

Stephen Parry

Honorary Professor and Non Exec

At a time when the site was gearing up for BRC, Michael was instrumental in preparing the site to achieve highest grade possible. With great Technical knowledge coupled with a solid understanding of Operations, he was the perfect partner to make this happen. With the ability to communicate across all levels, Michael fitted seamlessly with the team and his contribution made a real difference.

Des McMenamin-Assoc CIPD

Human Resources Business Partner at New England Seafood

It has been my privilege to have known and worked closely with Michael Sim for at least 25 years. Michael and I initially got to know each other on the national Seafish Training Board when I became most impressed with the enthusiasm and knowledge of the young man.  Later, in my capacity as Chief Executive of the Scottish Seafood Processors Federation I was able to witness Michael’s skill in his senior roles with Young’s. On my appointment as chairman of the Scottish Seafood Training Association I held him in such high esteem that I ensured that Michael would act as Deputy and future successor.

Robert Milne MBE (ret’d)

Chief executive of the Scottish Seafood Processors’ Federation

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